Sunday 16 May 2010

Back In Mindo

As life continued to roll on in Quito, so did my plans for weekend trips away. My American friends were soon to be leaving these southern lands and returning to a whole new hemisphere. Before they did so, they wanted one final Ecuador trip together. The place they chose was Mindo and I was asked along for the ride.

They had actually all been to Mindo, and so had I, but no-one was ever going to complain, heading back again. It´s definately one of my favourite places in this country and I couldn´t wait to return. The ride is just two and a half hours from Quito and a weekend trip to Mindo is just - easy.

Out in the cloud forests, this lazy town (one street) is perfectly designed to escape the craziness of the big city. When we arrived, everyone had one thing in mind - canopy swinging. I was certainly up for another go as heavy rain and thunder clouds cut my last expedition short. We must have done 12 or 13 lines, flying above the trees from one part of the jungle to the next. I had already experienced swinging normally so many times, so I decided to go for the superman position where you essentially fly over the forest like a bird. I, along with a few others in our group also attempted the Mariposa (Butterfly) position, where they hang you upside-down so you head faces the floor, your legs are up in the air and your arms just dangle all over the place. It was fairly disorientating as you glide over the tree line but all worth it. we also had the interesting experience of finding two Ecuadorians (one with a guitar) in the middle of the jungle, completely drunk (to the point they could hardly walk). We all had to help rescue them with great difficulty, as paraletic didn´t quite do these two justice.

We later headed on a long jeep ride out of Mindo. We were all standing in the back when it proceeded to pour on us. It was one of the most interesting taxi rides I have ever experienced but also one of the most fun. We ended up at a pool, where we stayed and everyone ate Cerviche (cold fish soup) - I had pork. I did try the Cerviche, and despite my hatred for all things fishy, this actually wasn´t too bad. I´m not sure I am at the level of having a whole bowl just yet though!!!

That night while eating our deliceous pizza (Mindo is famous for pizza), all the lights went out in the entire town. We spent the rest of that night partying with Mindo in the dark. On our second day, we took the 30 minute walk to the Mariposa farm. You pay a few dollars and then walk through into a large open area with plants and many Mariposa´s, that´s butterflies to the average English speaker. Butterflies of every colour and size would fly around your head or land on your brightly coloured t-shirt. We also got a talk on the evolution of the butterfly and saw the whole process (cocoon and all) with live examples - very cool.

We later headed back and left the beautiful town of Mindo. Now it was time to get back to business. My fun was over - I had work to do and it wasn´t volcanic - it was beaurocratic. My time in Ecuador was nearly up and I still didn´t have my new visa..........................

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