Tuesday 10 August 2010

World Cup 2010 Comes To End And As Usual My National Team Bow Out Early

So far in the 2010 World Cup, my national team, England, have done pretty terribly in the competition. We have some so-called world class footballers, but as is so often the case for England, they dont play together as a world class team. So when England were drawn up against Germany in the last 16 I went into that game with a lot of hope and pride but little confidence. The night before the game, my German buddy, Jens, popped over to the Secret Garden Hostal with his lap-top and on the terrace, above the twinkling lights of Quito's historic 'old town' we sat there reliving some of the England Vs Germany games of old, which he had been downloading ever since our nation's fates were tied together. I had the great 1966 final to enjoy and he had some other, less memorable games - ones in which I dont believe anyone really cares or worries about.

We watched the game in the Mariscal with a mixture of English and German fanatics. I dont need to describe the horror that then proceeded. I can complain that we had a goal disallowed that was so clear cut, the incident became more laughable than that of annoyance. The Germans around me said that was revenge for the 1966 final, in which England had a little help from a Russian linesman. But Russians or not, the point is, no England fan could really complain - we wernt good enough. Our players throughout the tournament didnt show enough fight. If I was playing for my nation, if I was representing 51 million people I would be bleeding and sick on the touchline before that final whistle sounded, if that was required. I saw nothing of that from these over payed morons that were gracing the worlds biggest football stage in the name of my country. As I walked back through the Mariscal, before me lay a sea of German fans, cheering, singing and waving flags. For me, it can only be described as walking through the gates of hell. I went back to my room and straight to bed.

The rest of the World Cup at least was a joy to watch. I was actually more upset when Ghana were so brutally kicked out of the competition than that of England. Here in Ecuador, the locals were cheering all the South American teams and so were delighted when the quater-finals came around. Unfortunately, like me, they were also very disappointed at the later stages.

I watched the final - also in the heart of Quito's bar district. There were many Spanish shirts out on display but orange was generally the colour on view. It wasnt a great final but without doubt the best footballing team won, so I have to say a big well done to Spain. They are full of world class players who actually combine to create a world class team. They deserved it all. A good job also by South Africa too - the hosts did a pretty damn good job. Of course it will take about 3 months to stop the ringing from my ears after those damn Vuvuzelas were blasted out of every tv set in Ecuador, but still I will have good memories of the tournament overall. Its a shame my nation were so utterly useless - but still, theres only 4 years to wait.................................

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