Thursday 7 April 2011


Quito life often rolls on with some form of order for me, but which is then generally interspersed by episodes of utter madness. I don't know if its the half Ecuadorian citizen, half backpacker life I lead, the occupation I have chosen for myself or if it's just me, but there is always something utterly ridiculous about to happen in my day to day events. The last was my Galapagos adventure, where among the beautiful Islands, the stunning wildlife and the sunset sailing - I also walked 12 hour days over dangerous lava, was almost killed on a horse, and was forced to weave in and out of poisonous plants. One guy in our group was helicopter rescued off one of the volcanoes!!! Normality is not a word that pops up too much around me these days!!!

Despite all the chaos though I try to keep things as "normal" as possible. At work I am in charge of a new intern - Anna-Marie from England. She did the same masters course I did at UCL and was put in touch with the institute here in Ecuador by my old professor. We have been working on some new research, related to calculating the amount of energy that is given off every time the Tungurahua Volcano explodes - and it is all going pretty well.

I have done a few touristy things too of course............a while back I went to the Guayasamin Museum. Guayasamin is undoubtedly Ecuador´s most famous artist. His work is pretty unique even if you are not the biggest fan of art. One of the museums, the one I and two friends ended up in, is located in and around his house. The man is not alive anymore but the house he left is pretty cool. You could certainly tell that an artist designed it at least. His house is located up in one of the mountainous slopes that mark the eastern edge of Quito, and next to it is a large exhibition devoted to his work. His most powerful art, at least in most critics opinion, is the work he does on peoples faces and hands - much of which is harrowing but equally, oddly absorbing!!!

In other news, I have started playing football again too - with my team of Ecuadorian buddies. I also did another presentation, this time in front of my work colleages - which went well and triggered a series of conversations about how far the work I have been doing can really seems like it can go far. A friend returned to my life too. About a year ago I became very good buddies with a volunteer at the Secret Garden Hostal - Sarah, from the States. She ended up going out with Jefferson, my Ecuadorian brother - as he is known. Eventually she had to leave, but has since recently returned. I can´t believe I have been in this country so long, so that not only do I make friends with people to see them leave but now its been long enough that I get to see them return!!! The thought worries me, but its good having Sarah back in the group!!! Brenna also returned back to Ecuador after finding a job as part of her university course - we are still good friends!!!

Before I settled back into the normal day to day rituals of Quito life however, suddenly another holiday popped up. It was Carnival and I decided not to hang around. There is so much of Ecuador that I still haven´t yet seen, and now was the perfect opportunity to check out some more. So off I headed with Diana.................south.

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