Thursday 12 May 2011


So after failing to get to the beach the week previously, through a series of disasters (but still managing a trip to the thermal pools of Papallacta as compensation), I finally decided to make a stand. I didn't care who came with me but one way or another I was going to the beachside town of Canoa and no bus, landslide or person was going to stop me. Actually, this time, it all went to plan. Sarah came with me as did my American work buddy - Branden. We left Quito via the night bus on Friday after work and at 7am in the morning - we arrived in Canoa. My relaxing trip on the beach did end up as just that, but it didn't fail with at least some drama in the middle.......

Canoa is a sleepy village, with a nice stretch of beach and a pleasnat climate. Quito had been raining continuously every afternoon for as long as I can remember and not just a splash of water - but full thunder, lightning and hail. I was also having some major Ecuadorian issues, which included problems with my work contract, my work visa (as my current one has almost expired) and getting paid by my employers - the whole hassle of last year was coming back to haunt me once again!!! Apart from now being fully paid - I still have all the other problems and my visa is set to expire in less than three weeks. If I can't sort it out in time I will have to leave Ecuador whether I want to or not. I was also waiting on an answer to the PhD which I had applied for. After waiting on a decision for three weeks after the period they said they needed to get me a yes or no - frustration was starting to set in. I still to this day have not had an answer, as to whether I have got the PhD position (and hence will leave Ecuador) or haven't got it (in which case I will stay). On top of that, my Ecuadorian doctor who I was now convinced was keeping me on medication just so I could give him more money really was pushing me to the limit. I ended up resolving the situation by more or less telling him to stuff his medication, and I would sort my health out on my own. I am since fine. My point is, overall - a trip to Canoa was exactly what I needed.

First, the three of us searched and found a cheap spot on the beach - a wooden building type thing with balcony, hammocks and sea view - and all for just US$6 a night. We then had a little wonder around Canoa. There is not too much wondering to be done actually, when you're talking about Canoa. It's mainly a street on the beach, filled with restaurants, hostals and little bungalow shacks selling cocktails. There is a town behind the beachfront but it is small at best. The beach itself is wide, the sun appeared to always shine and the water was warm with big waves. Obviously, I really loved Canoa. It was far more tranquilo than say Ecuador's Montanita but that was nothing to complain about. There was an even mix of local Ecuadorians and backpackers too and on a weekend night, there was enough people around to make a party. It was going to be a good weekend.

Naturally - Sarah, Branden and I started our day lazing on the beach. After about 15 minutes of relaxation time however, we suddenly see Brenna. I had no idea that she was going to be in Canoa that weekend and of course its fine bumping into your ex, except while we were talking, a young Ecuadorian lady (Maisa) walks past - who I had recently been seeing in Quito. I also had no idea that she would be coming to Canoa that weekend either. Neither of the girls know each other, but basically it didn't matter - I had been double sabotaged. All I needed now was for Diana to turn up and the drama would have been complete. Actually, it turned out fine in the end, well, at least after Branden and Sarah had stopped laughing at my awkward situation. I mainly spent the day with Maisa, swimming a lot, eating a lot and generally frying in the sun. We even took a horse ride on the beach - it was disgustingly romantic.

That night Maisa left with her family and the three of us (Sarah, Branden & I) were back together. That night we partied in the one beach-shack bar that everyone had decided to congregate to. It was a fun night, full of much dancing and drinking (although for me - alcohol was off the menu!!!). The following day was spent much the same way as the first - lazing around. I even tried Cerviche - which is a typical dish in Ecuador and Peru, and consists of fish or shrimp in kind of a cold soup. It has lots of lemon juice, onions and a whole host of other ingredients. Traditionally they don't cook the fish - the lemon juice is supposedly meant to keep it fresh - but I think these days (for backpackers especially), they do. It has a strong, but delecious taste - apart from the fishy parts in it that is.

Unfortunately, Branden and I had work the following day and so we had to take the bus back on the Sunday night. Sarah stayed out there for a few more days. She has been living in Canoa for the last few months on and off. There she has been helping a local family build a home. She collects donations from all over the place (including from her family and friends back in the States). I donated US$10 for the cause too. Jealousy soon set in though - that she was able to stay, but, I have to work - and so Branden and I returned to Quito to continue with our volcanoes and continue with our life - back in the capital..........................

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