Sunday 22 March 2009

Sailing Auckland & The Louis Vuitton Race

After a week of work it was back to more weekend fun. I was given another opportunity to go sailing around Auckland with Harriet and our other good friend Tom. We joined Basil - the captain, Leith, and Harriet's Aunt and Uncle. Because there were so many of us, Harriet and I had to go on one of Basil's friends boats - Peter.

Under windy and rainy conditions we headed out into the Waitemata Harbour where a variety of other boats joined us. Over the last few weeks there had been a new international yachting regatta in Auckland - the Louis Vuitton Pacific Series, where crews from all over the world compete in racing events. The day we went out was the final - New Zealand Vs Switzerland. The race track was well controlled by police boats as spectator yachts competed for space along the track edge to get the best views. The race wasn't particularly thrilling - as the boating finalists had to simply go up and down in straight lines a few times. Some spectators stayed where they were while others moved up and down the 'touchline' to follow the action better. New Zealand came out the eventual winners and after paraded around the water as the spectators cheered from their boats.

Afterwards, we headed out in the rain to Islington Bay, which is situated on Motutapu - the Island connected to Rangitoto Volcano. There we docked for the night, all jumped onto Basil's Pink Cadillac boat and drank the night away. The following morning, Tom joined Harriet and I on Peter's boat and we sailed back (in fine weather) back to the harbour.

It was great to be back out on the water, even if I'm not really an ocean goer. It was a more relaxed affair this time too - as I hardly had to lift a finger in the sailing department. Still, I never complain just chilling in the sun on a sail boat.......who would!!!

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