Sunday 20 July 2008


I arrived in Brisbane and headed straight to the Bunk backpacker hostel in the Fortitude Valley region, up in the north of the city. It was known to be the best hostel in town and it didn't disappoint. Actually the reason I headed there was because I was meeting an old friend from home. I had planned to meet Matt (Jones), a friend I have known since primary school, in Bangkok but we seemed to miss each other by around 24 hours. Not this time though. I met him straight away in the bar for a drink and a catch up!!! It was weird seeing him there - us both drinking like we did at home, but this time we were not at home, but instead on the complete opposite side of the world!!! It was definately a good weird though.

over the three days I spent in Brisbane, Matt took me around the town. We headed to the South Bank (via the City CAT catamaran - basically a boat taxi) which (in the middle of the city) has an artifical beach - they love a beach, even if it isn't by the coast!!! We went to the main shopping centre in the heart of the Central Business District and I even went to the cinema. I only mention it because I have not been to the pictures since I have been travelling (5 and a half months). We saw The Dark Knight (new Bat-Man film) and it was very good I must say.

I also walked to the Botanic Gardens and covered the main sights. Many people had said not to bother with Brisbane but I found it a pleasant place. It has a relaxed feel and I like the fact that it is based upon the water (the Brisbane River). Although saying that most cities in Australia are centred on water. I think the thing that local's here love about Brisbane is that it isn't involved with much else. Sydney and Melbourne are constantly fighting it out to be the best city in the country and Brisbane just sits back and enjoys not being apart of that. You really feel that off the locals.

Because Matt has been in this part of the world for a month or so, he has accumulated a fair number of friends - which quickly became my friends!!! A group of around 8 of us went out every night I was there and on my last night we ventured to the biggest club in Queensland - 'Family' which is a maze, especially if you have had a few drinks.

It was a great few days here and certainly a messy few nights but I eventually carried on south. I was heading to Surfers Paradise for a few days. While I was in Brisbane, Matt had decided to leave his life there and join me down the coast for a while. He had already been to Surfers Paradise and needed to sort himself out before leaving, so he stayed and was planning on meeting me after Surfers in a place called Byron Bay. So off I went..........

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