Friday 5 November 2010

The Grand Canyon

Im not sure how I did it really. After going out all night with my boys in Vegas, I took a brief two hour nap before getting up at 7am for an eleven hour day trip to the Grand Canyon. I always knew I was going to do it. I mean you cant come to Vegas and not go to one of the natural wonders of the world. Thats like Neil Armstrong taking a spaceship ride all the way to the moon and just before he puts his foot on the surface he thinks to himself - "ah no, I cant be bothered - lets just go home"!!!

None of my boys ended up going, I guess they were just happy to soak up the desert sun and evapourate all the alcohol that was still flowing through their bodies. But for a geologist - it just had to be done.

I was picked up in the most bizarre transportation. It was bright pink, and looked like a cross between a Limo and an off road vehicle. It was very stylish - pink doesnt normally suit me but I could have definately driven around the streets of London in that beast!!! Our group consisted of four French-Canadians, two guys from Austrtalia and a couple from Colombia (who I had great fun chatting to in my broken Spanish). Our guide was nice enough and always very informative too.

It was about 2-3 hours to get out there. Along the way we passed along desert roads and through Joshua tree forests. The scenery out there is pretty spectacular. We also drove over the Hoover Dam, probably the most famous of its kind in the world. We were given a few brief facts about it as we drove past. The dam is massive and the amount of water it holds back (within Lake Mead) is astonishing. The newly built arch bridge had just been finished too - it opens in a few months or so I believe.

Eventually we stop, pretty much in the middle of nowhere. Here we were taking a helicopter ride into the canyon. It wasnt long ago that I had just taken my first chopper ride, that time around an active volcano (Reventador) in Ecuador, but now I would get to go again within the geological wonder of the Grand Canyon. It didnt disappoint. The ride was spectacular as we headed out to the canyon and then descended into it. The Colorado River snaking its way through the deep canyon walls really is a site to see, and its this river that is pretty much responsible for the whole formation that lies in front of you.

When we landed, we were quickly off again, but this time on a boat ride down the Colorado River. We were given a brief description of the canyons formation, but as I pretty much knew everything our guide was saying, I was more interested in taking in the view and naturally, in steering the boat. My boat captain skills unfortunately were not much to be desired im sad to say so I instead decided it was better just to be awestruck!!!

We then took another helicopter flight out of the canyon and back onto safe ground. From here it was a short drive to some look-out points. The first was by Eagle Point - aptly named for a specific rock formation nestled within the canyon that looks exactly like an Eagle with spread wings. Its located in Grand Canyon West on the Hualapai Indian Reservation and its now home to the incredible Skywalk.

Built in 2007, the Skywalk is a U-shaped glass, open-air bridge that hangs 70 feet passed the edge of the canyon and approximately 4000 feet above the ground. I had to take a walk around this marvel, for most definately the ultimate views of the Colorado River and Grand Canyon West. Its amzing to walk around it, with 720 degree views. Built with layer upon layer of glass, this bridge is actually capable of supporting twelve 747 jet airliners. With this in mind - I felt pretty safe.

We later had lunch at another look-out point (I cant think of many better locations to take a bite to eat) before taking the 3 hour drive back to Las Vegas. This time we stopped off at the Hoover Dam, just so we could get a proper look before continuing back to Sin City. The whole day was an unbelievable experience and an adventure I will certainly never forget.

When I returned back to Vegas, I was just in time to see The Bellagio musical water fountain show, which in its own right is up there with the Grand Canyon (well almost). But for me there was no time to waste. I had just one night left in Vegas - and there was some serious partying to do...................

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