Wednesday 3 November 2010

Las Vegas (USA)......."I Had A Dream I Could Buy My Way To Heaven - When I Awoke I Spent That All In Vegas!!!"

Getting out of Quito almost went perfectly. I thought it was going to be a real hassle but initially appeared to go very smoothly. That was until we were in the plane and on the tarmac ready to leave. Then the notorious mist came into the Quito valley and there we proceeded to sit on the runway for an hour. I had connecting flights and a bus journey from LA to Vegas, so this was not good news for me. After an hour we were allowed to leave and in the end - it luckily all worked out.

I first had a flight to Atlanta and then onto LA. From there I was met by Brenna, who I had met in Ecuador and spent 4 months with. She lives in LA and kindly agreed to pick me up from LAX. I have been to the States before but never to the West Coast,so I was pretty excited. I had about 3 hours until my bus up to Vegas so Brenna and I grabbed some lunch in downtown before having a wonder about. LA is big. People always tell me that but it really is sprawling. How people get around without a car is well.....well its not possible really. Luckily Brenna did have transportation so getting around wasnt a problem - although it did always take a while.

After a good catch up with her I caught my bus to Vegas. I was seeing Brenna properly when I was returning back, but for now - it was time for some serious partying. The bus ride from LA to Vegas took 6 hours through the desert. Its an interesting ride although my excitment was stopping me from really appreciating it all. I hadnt seen my boys for 10 months and now I would get my reunion in Sin City. Oh how I couldnt wait.

I arrived into Vegas at night and when you finally see all the lights and the hotels, it kind of blows you away. Everything is so massive and bright, its hard to keep your eyes focused. I eventually found my hotel for the next 4 nights - The Ceasars Palace, probably one of the biggest hotels in Vegas and certainly that I had ever seen. When I walked in it felt like stepping onto the set of "The Hangover", just as I hoped it would. There I stood with my giant backpack looking more out-of-place than anyone else around me. They were all dressed in suits with neatly packed suitcases. Not that I cared in the slightest!!!

It didnt take long before I was with all my boys, drinking and getting lost within the maze that is The Ceasars Palace. It was incredible to see them all. Non of them had changed as I had expected and hoped. Everyone that I would of wanted to see was out there, except Michael who couldnt make it because of an operation. He was sorely missed. Within an hour it had felt like I had never left them all though and thats always how I want it.

Our nights in Vegas were done in style. The boys had found some guy who basically arranges your entire party for you. We were picked up in limos every night and taken to a club of one of the major hotels where we skipped any lines and walked staright through. We had our own table in every club with beautiful women serving us drinks all night. If you can imagine a party in Vegas then we were living and partying right in the heart of it.

On the first night we partied in the club of The Venician. The party was pumping and the Jagermiester was certainly flowing. I cant remember drinking so much for a long time. There isnt too much I can really divulge about our nights out in Vegas but we all certainly had fun.

In the day you really get to see Vegas. Some of us would head onto Las Vegas Blvd and check out the other hotels. All of them are amazing. Each of them are massive but all have their own individual style. Ceasars Palace is pretty incredible to see, but equally The Bellagio for its class, New York New York for its roller coaster and The Venician for its gondolas. They all transport you to a different part of the world and all somehow within the confines of four walls. Some people in our group barely left The Ceasars Palace however, not because they didnt want or need to, but because they couldnt find the exit. Those of us with a sense of adventure managed to get out now and again.

The gambling was a bit of a novelty for me. The sheer number of places to gamble is staggering and people do it all day and all night, always hoping for that bit of luck or that bit of skill which they all believe they posses to take the house. Most come away very disappointed. The other boys did a lot more gambling than I did, although all of them had a fair amount more money. By the end of Vegas I ended up down by about US$100. I only played blackjack a few times and the odd slot machine. However I did put US$50 on black at the roulette with my friend Chris on our last day there......naturally it came in red!!! I dont think gambling is for me!!!
Others in my group lost over 15x more than I did, and some even more still.

For me however, earning Ecuadorian wages and living on Ecuadorian prices and then coming to Vegas was a bit of a shock. I really traveled from one extreme of spending to the other. In Ecuador I would spend maybe US$20 a day on normal living, including my accomodation, three meals and a few beers in the evening. So naturally I was a bit shocked when one bottle of water cost US$5 instead of the normal 30 cents. You can therefore imagine how much I spent each night on getting a VIP table at the night club of The Bellagio for example. Most people there often looked at me with utter confusion when I asked them where I could get my US$2 almuerzo (three course Ecuadorian lunch)!!!

Despite the costs, the entire city is mental in every other way too. The parties never end and the sheer number of model style-looking women is unbelievable. Most of them are on the arms of generally ugly, but clearly wealthy men and most of the time the whole thing looks completely ridiculous and certainly a little fake. Still, I dont remember anyone complaining at the time.

On our other days we sat by The Ceasars Palace pool, (or number of pools) which were quite simply - amazing. There, when we wernt too hungover, most continued drinking and lying in the heat of the desert, which was always scorching!!!

My room in The Ceasars Palace hotel certainly filled all my desires, with a flat screen TV, a double bed complete with 39 pillows, and a hot-tub. I shared my room with the legend that is Mr McCluskey, although we were both always in other rooms most of the time and I think we only spent one night in there at the same moment.

The food out in Vegas also has to be mentioned. We always ate well and out there its hard not too. On one night we really did it properly, all ordering steak and a few bottles of wine. I spent more on that meal than a weeks living in Ecuador.....although the steak was very tasty.

Vegas had definately lived up to everthing I had imagined, especially with seeing all my boys out there. I mean I probably would have had just as much fun with them all in Blackpool as its definaetly not the place that makes a place but the people that your with at the time. Okay, not Blckpool, but you know what I mean. Before I departed though there was one more thing to do, it was only a few hours drive outside of Vegas and for a geologist its a must. So with the boys all too hungover to go, off I went on my own to see one of the natural wonders of the world - known simply as..............The Grand Canyon!!!

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