Sunday 17 February 2008

Bangkok (Thailand)

Here goes - the start of my one year adventure.

After some emotional goodbye's, the 11 hour flight that transported me around the globe from London to Bangkok went a fair bit quicker than expected. Five minutes in and I get talking to two Australians who above all love their drink and insist on everyone around them - joining in. Accordingly, after a few hours of drinking the Ausie version of stella (known as VB) I fall asleep for the entire flight!!!

After shaking off a mild headache - I arrive. Bangkok is quite possibly the scariest place to land into, on your own, with not a clue what your doing. To say the place is chaotic does'nt quite sum it up. You have to see it to realise the complete culture shock that awaits. Its busy, bustling and quite mad. However, beyond all the fumes, Bangkok is fun - there's no denying it. Once youv'e worked out how to catch a tuk tuk, haggle for basically everything and worked out how to cross the road - its all plane sailing (well sort of).

I spent five days in Bangkok. Many travellers argue that even that is too long. Yet it was my first time and I needed to see some sights. A trip to the Grand Palace and Wat Phra Kaew (also known as the Temple of the Emerald Buddah) really gives a flavour of what ancient Thailand is all about. Its temple heaven and a must see. Other trips included yet more temples to Wat Pho with a giant gold reclining Buddah statue, the national museum, a ride on the ultra modern Sky Train to the equally grand Siam Square with its high quality shopping at ultra cheap prices, and a stroll around many of the parks around town.

Meeting people is easy - you just have to enter a bar or walk down the backpackers central - "The Khao San Road" to get chatting. However, meeting Toby and Vicky after 4 hours of landing made my first night interesting, quite awkward and a bit surreal. Where once they had been close friends, we had not spoken for 4 months due to some unspeakable behaviour on Toby's part a while back. We decided to have a drink and clear the air, which by the time they left, a few days later, I think we had.

Night life is perhaps more chaotic than day, especially down the Khao San Road. You keep your distance from the ladyboys, who are basically everywhere and you will generally be alright. Its party atmosphere and meeting other travellers from all over the world makes each night very different but always interesting. Its good to get talking to the locals too and who above all love to chat about football - generally by shouting out random footballers names when they find out which team you support. I tried my first bug too. It was a cricket, deep fried and horrible to the taste. They are big also, so as you try to eat the thing you often have a leg hanging out of your mouth as you attempt to slurp the whole thing in your gob like spaghetti. It's very pleasant!!!

After 5 days I decided to move on. Although I have'nt done everything I wanted to do in Bangkok - i'll likely still get my chance. Bangkok is the hub of South East Asia - you always end up returning and often more than once. So, next stop - to the West and Kanchanaburi.

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