Tuesday 30 December 2008

Life In Auckland

So the parties were over for a few weeks and it was back to work. I'm starting to settle down in Auckland now. I work Monday to Friday, play 5-a-side football every Thursday (just like at home) and have a real good time at the weekends. And with it being ridiculously hot in November and December (huh) and some stunning beaches at hand - life is good at the moment.

Weekend's are fun. I generally go out and drink my money away, but while I'm out here I still try and do as much as I can, especially if it's something I can't do at home. Recently I went to see a Mr David Beckham play in a promotional game. He was in town with his L.A. Galaxy team mates from the USA. They were playing against an Oceana all-stars team that had been put together. Well they claimed it to be an Oceana team - and so I was somewhat suprised to see Dutch superstar and ex-Spurs hero Edgar Davids playing. They also had a few other recognisable old-timers who had just come out of retirement but still wanted to travel the world showing their footy skills to willing fans. Actually, in a game that was far more 'kick around in the park' than a competitive game of football, it was nice to see Davids (with shades on of course) going in full studs like a madman possessed and at one point almost getting sent off. Nevertheless - the New Zealanders out there only really came to see one man - and that was Beckham. To be fair - the man was spreading the ball around like Glen Hoddle even if he wasn't prepared to actually make any sort of run throughout the entire game. He also seemed to have full control of the referee who gave him every decision and I'm sure I even saw him blow for half time upon Beck's request!!! A good day out nontheless.

I had actually booked a few weeks off work over the Christmas and New Year period, which was soon upon us. I was to heading back to Taupo for the last time. Darren was still down there working, but was leaving in January and moving on to Queenstown with his girlfriend Jacqui. I would be returning to Auckland (and anywhere else that work was to take me) and we both knew that we would likely not return to Taupo after this final festive occassion. It would be a good send off to the place though, as we had so many friends down there and even more joining us from elsewhere.

Before Jacqui (who is currently working in Auckland) and I departed for Taupo, we decided to climb a volcano. Jacqui wanted to do it before she left as she wasn't returning to Auckland and of course I was up for the challenge. The volcano in question was Rangitoto. It is the youngest volcano in the Auckland Volcanic Field (erupting approximately 600 years ago) and also happens to be the largest in the field by quite some way. This is certainly worrying volcanologists, that subsequent eruptions may be even larger and going off in a city like Auckland can only mean disaster. Still I currently don't have time to worry about such an event so off we went.

The eruption was offshore and the volcano is thus a large island now, covered in parts in lush vegetation. We took the ferry over and spent the day climbing. It's not a large volcano and therfore not a tough climb. You can walk to the summit and clamber around the crater in an hour, where the views of Auckland are pretty amazing. The volcano is actually a bit like a desert island, you can walk around some parts and not see a sole. Black / grey lava dominates large parts of landscape, at least where vegetation has failed to grow and with a simple map - you can easily track down the lava caves. Formed as moltern rock crusts over it's outer surface, cutting deeper into the underlying rocks and digging down to form an underground river. Eventually the lava drains away and you are left with a tube or lava cave. We strolled around in the dark caves, generally falling over and cutting ourselves. With the sun glowing throughout, it was a perfect day to spend on a volcano!!!

Holiday period had crept upon me and it was time to leave Auckland again. Jacqui and I took the 6 hour bus ride south, where we reunited with many old friends. The party in Taupo was to commence once more.....

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