Tuesday 30 December 2008

Merry Christmas

I can't believe it's here already. I actually thought I would be spending Christmas in South America as my itinerary had stated, that was until you start traveling and realise you never really have an itinerary!!! So here I am, currently in the very centre of New Zealand's North Island. I spent the few days before Xmas, reuniting with old friends from Taupo (and Darren of course), drinking with old friends from Taupo (and Darren of course) and collapsing unconcious on the hostel floor with old friends from Taupo (oh and Darren of course). There has also been a lot of playing footy in the park (with my new Spurs shirt - recently purchased off a man in the street in Auckland), and resting the very weary bones - it's a hard life.

Christmas Day was a similar affair. Pete (once a chef) cooked us up the most outrageous Xmas breakfast and dinner. We eat and drunk all day as is expected and watched the Christmas films that are shown every year around this time and it doesn't matter what country in the world you are in. It was probably the hottest day I have spent in New Zealand and so I shouldn't have been shocked when I almost collapsed from the heat but mostly from being completely unfit, when a game of 5-a-side football in the park started. Luckily we had the paddling pool out on stand-by.

For many travelers, at least that I spoke to - Christmas was quite a sad time of year this time round and I do see what they mean. Xmas is about family and none of us had that. Many thought about what they would be doing at home, all the food, the people, the traditions - that you just can't quite recreate out on the road. I mean, for example - it was hot and sunny - at Christmas. Thats when you know something's not quite right - when your trying not to get heat stroke in December. Still, we had a blast and it was soon back to normality. For me, I was lucky enough to have a small part of Christmas at home - even if it was via a webcam. It was incredible seeing all the family and friends from home of which I had not seen for ten and a half months. Miss you all.

In the days that followed, we got to watch all the Premiership football, eat a whole heap of left-over's, go out and party, play poker, go to the weekly quiz night and sometimes just watch the sunset's that emerged over Lake Taupo and which are by far the best I have seen since my days in Thailand.

We also prepared ourselves for one big night of partying. We knew it was going to be epic, I mean we were saying goodbye to a year that was never to return again. 2008 was over and we had to say fairwell in style. New Year was upon us - bring on 2009.............

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