Sunday 4 May 2008

The Full Moon Party

Because the full moon party is such a popular event, almost everyone that I had met along my travels was going to be here, turning out to be one big reunion. I had already met Heather from Vietnam, Ruth and Bety from my time in Laos, and later Peter, Siobhan and Isabelle from Cambodia. Pheobe and Daniella were also about. On the night itself I also bumped into an old work friend from home, Amy, who I thought had returned from travelling but apparently not!!!

The full moon party is free, it's one big beach party and everyone from every nationality is there. It happens once a month (every full moon) and ours on April 20th had approximately 10,000 people there. Dozens of bars line the beach, each playing a different genre of music, which (because they are all open onto the beach) becomes a defening musical mess as sounds propagate in all directions. The choice of drinks is buckets of....stuff. They are sold everywhere and whatever they contain, you don't need many to get your head spinning and your vision blurred. The most popular is Sangsom (whiskey), coke and redbull.

The party goes on all night and into the morning. there are fire shows, flashing lights and fireworks everywhere. At 10am the beach startens to quieten down and the true ravers head off to the after-party further inland to continue dancing. I was passed out by 8am. It was a good, no, great night and had to be done for the experience.

Before I left Koh Phangan, a few days later, I took my last stroll up to the party beach. There were TV screens showing the DVD of the Full Moon night. Just as I was about to leave I turn to the screen and see my face on it - karma - I bought the DVD. Should be posted home soon.

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